"The chase" Photo by: Padraicyclops

Please remember The SENIOR Boxer was once young too! They pounced, played, ran, and jumped.  Guess what?  Many of the senior boxer still do! Many people think that a senior dog is a lot of work and in some cases that may be accurate, but in many cases age is just a number and a little bit of gray! Whatever the state of the senior dog, TBRI supports these great dogs and believe they still deserve the love and affection any other dog would receive.

The Boxer leaves puppy hood behind somewhere between the ages of two and three years old. However, just because they outgrow puppyhood doesn’t mean they’ve become laid back, mellow dogs. These two and three year olds still have more “Boxer burn” moments than “couch potato” moments! The senior Boxer is calmer and often has a “wise old professor” effect on younger, more rambunctious Boxers and children. They are quick to teach less dignified souls how to do things with class and style.

Many Senior dogs end up in rescue for the same reasons any other dog ends up in rescue:  a move, change in job status, a new baby, lack of time for the animal, and many other reasons dogs are displaced from the home. Having a dog is a lifetime commitment; unfortunately for dogs, this is a lesson not everyone learns. It is not unusual for a dog to live well over 15 years. Sadly, many senior dogs die in rescue; unable to understand why they were displaced from the only home they have ever known. Despite this, when given another chance, senior Boxers are able to bond relatively quickly with a new family.


Senior Boxers Rock!



"Blessed is the person who has earned the love of an old dog."
-Sydney Jeanne Seward-



Boxers over the age of 7, are referred to as "Silver" Boxers, because of the silver or gray hair that often appears on their muzzles and the rest of their bodies.

Silver Boxers are still BEAUTIFUL dogs.  These dogs are sometimes passed over in adoption because they tend to have to compete against younger, muscular Boxers, who don't have a gray hair to be found.  Many people believe they won’t have much time with the senior Boxer and fear them crossing over to the bridge sooner then they are ready.  This fear is natural, but unfortunately, the sad part of adopting a dog is that we will outlive them regardless of the age at which they enter our lives. Each and every dog we get and love is eventually going to break our heart, but the quality of time spent with that dog, will only make you a richer, wiser, more compassionate human being.  TBRI believes that idea is overcome when you realize that you are giving a dog, whose life was disrupted much later in life, a loving home where they can still thrive and live out the rest of their days. 

Anyone who has ever loved a dog that has passed over to Rainbow Bridge will tell you it is far better to have known the joy and love, than never having known them at all.  From experience, there is nothing like the love and companionship of a Senior Boxer.  

Senior Boxers, with their maturity, learn much faster than the average boxer puppy. Each year, millions of dogs are put to their death for many reasons.  The senior who makes it to rescue is top notch "The cream of the crop" as they say.  You will find that seniors are often the sweetest, well mannered, well behaved and most loving dogs you could ever be lucky enough to own. There is a reason they have survived to see this day. However, because of the fear that they won’t live long and the misconceptions people have about old dogs, many seniors don’t find adoptive homes.
"The Chase" Photography by:
Patrick McArdle
The Boxer
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