THE BOXER RESCUE, INC. is a 501(c)3 non-profit Boxer Dog Rescue Organization, dedicated to rescuing Boxers in need. Located in Massachusetts. Serving New England.
Rainbow Bridge
Memorial Page
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"The Chase" Photography by:
Patrick McArdle
"The Chase" Photography by:
Patrick McArdle
"The Chase" Photography by:
Patrick McArdle
Friends of
The Boxer Rescue
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Please support
The Boxer Rescue

Maggie was a forever TBRI Boxer that spent the last months of her life with us.  She had the sweetest soul we have ever known.  We were grateful and blessed to have known her.  She was truly a special lady.    We will be forever grateful to her foster family for the care and love they showed Maggie and for being there with her as she made her journey to rainbow bridge.  


               Maggie,  you have a left a paw print on our hearts and will never be forgotten.  
