"The chase" Photo by: Padraicyclops
"The Chase" Photography by:
Patrick McArdle
aka: "The White Thang"

Hi my name is Treasure but my mom calls me the “WHITE THANG”.  They tell me I'm 10 years old and deaf, but I think they might have my age wrong as I certainly do not act like I'm 10!  I help my mom and aunties out at events for the Rescue.  She takes me because of my HUGE personality,  I’m very  friendly and I enjoy the company of other dogs and I always love meeting new humans,  plus I’m told that no one can resist my signature “wiggle butt”.   


When I'm not working for my mom and aunts, I enjoy snoozing the afternoon away on the couch.   I also have a fur boxer brother named Memphis but mom doesn't like to take my brother to events because she says he has "issues" whatever that means!  I personally, think he ROCKS!  I slipped a picture of him in below..Isn't he HANDSOME! ( don't tell him I said that, it might go to his head!)


Please come check us out at some of our events, I would love to meet you.  Just ask for the  “White THANG”!  

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