The Kidney Bean
The character of the boxer can be summed up in one word - CLOWNS! They have a "welcome home - butt wiggle"
that has them bending in half with excitement when you greet them! The famous Kidney Bean dance or The Bean as most Boxer enthusiasts
have dubbed it is a true Boxer trademark.
The slow kidney bean dance
This is when they wiggle their back ends from side
to side, and it's usually accompanied by the head doing the same thing. So they have their heads and bums almost meeting on one side.
They'll hold that position for a few seconds and then switch to the other side. So you have head and bum right, head and bum left,
head and bum right, and on it goes. When looking from above, their bodies resemble a kidney bean shape. Whilst doing this kidney bean
dance, they will often be licking the air. They are actually kissing YOU but from a distance. Of course, the famous Boxer wave (pawing)
can often be seen during the kidney bean dance.
The fast kidney bean dance
This is very similar to number 1 except it's only the
rear end that goes from side to side and it's much quicker. So you have the butt going left, right, left, right, left, right etc.
This is usually accompanied by the head looking up at you whilst doing multiple *Boxer sneezes* and or *Boxer smiles* or as in number
1 the *long distance kiss*.
Kidney Bean Definitions credited to BML -